Ask a polar bear
any available polar bear
how does he chases
his maddening shadow,
his bear conscience pumping fast
numbed by hunger
Make him answer
to your satisfaction
Then ask him
about his polar dreams
the nothingness
the wilderness
ice holes
and peeking seals
the glacier skating
the babies, the worries
the spring
Finally, ask him
about the permafrost nightmare
his very final act
ice cracks
and suddenly
the ice as a boat
the ice as a grave
Muitos na ansia de viver ,encurtam seu caminho.Qual o propósito? Não sei responder...Quem sabe a fome mesmo,Qem sabe a sede,ou a curiosidade...Aquele que corre chega primeiro ao fim...Mesmo na pressa,espero com paciencia pela calmaria.